Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dr. Oz is on the Humor Wagon

I thought I was on the cutting edge of things regarding humor and then this morning in the paper there was an article by Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen (who?) about the link between laughing and longevity.  Since Dr. Oz has a television show and I am still appearing weekly at the Porta Potty near the Snow Bowl, I decided I would pass along his advice.  Three tips:

1.  "Get your daily quota of yucks".  Now I am assuming the "yucks" in his tip have nothing to do with things that make you gag. 

2.  "See humor in your life"

3.  "Discover what really tickles your funny bone".

Okay, Dr. Oz and "what's his name", thank you for this article and your advice.  Today, I am going to contribute to your "daily yucks" by showing you this clip from Ellen DeGeneres.  Enjoy!

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