Thursday, December 23, 2010

Capricorn Time

If your birthday is December 22 to January 19 you are a CAPRICORN, OR "Cap" to your astrological friends.  The sign for "Caps" is a goat...yes, a goat and goats are well known for what they eat (everything) and how they behave (stubborn).  Caps are also stable, planners, and so far from impulsive that they can't even say the word.

Capricorn is an earth sign and that means you aren't into fantasy or big on imagination.  Capricorns are very realistic and grounded.  For Caps, if you can't see it, it doesn't really exist.

This is a wonderful astrological year, however for Capricorns.  Seems that most Caps are moving into an alignment between Mars and Venus which means that either a lot of money is going to come your way  or you will be asked to join a new Polka band that is forming in your town.  Dust off your wallet and your Tuba and be ready for both.

As the New Year gets moving along, your Moon is moving into your 4th house and this is simply unheard of.  It looks like you will go completely out of character and start  working on repealing the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" rules for cartoon characters. You had a dream or a drug induced moment wherein you realized Porky Pig and Yogi Bear are in a relationship but fearful of letting the world know. You believe it is time to step out and make gay and lesbian characters (like Dora and Barney) feel like the world is able to accept them as they are.  March on rainbow crusaders!

Mid year Jupiter will become oppositional of Pluto and Walmart and you will find yourself strongly attracted to autographed photos of Kim Jong Il of North Korea.  You think his oversized glasses and pudgy body is quite appealing and you find that you are purchasing CDs of his latest songs about dictatorship and nuclear weapons.  This phase will have your family and the CIA questioning your loyalty to America and thankfully will pass after a few weeks and constant complaints about listening to those Kim Jong Il cds.

The year will finish by having your 2nd and 5th houses being repossessed and aligning with Bank of America.  This phase of the stars is likely to find you wanting to purchase old whiskey barrels so that you can build an addition to your house that will have the lingering odor of Jack Daniels.  This phase is likely to attract some people who love Jack or some people who have been dying to meet him.  Either way, get ready to open your home to some new people.

That about wraps up the Capricorn year...enjoy and remember, Happy Planets.

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